Rollcage Masters AX是一款很刺激的3d飞行竞速类手游,最新版在苹果商店上架,游戏画面逼真,超震撼的3D模拟场景,紧张刺激的背景配音,加之超带感的游戏节奏,操作简单,玩法多样是一款非常不错的竞速手机游戏,喜欢的小伙伴赶紧来下载试玩吧!
游戏背景设定在将来,Rollcage Masters AX中的车辆都有一个特点:车身非常狭小,轮胎却非常巨大。游戏规则十分简单,就是在追逐对手的过程中用你那数以吨计的重型武器把他们打回石器时代去。你每打败一个对手都能够获得一定的分数,在游戏的最后所有分数累计就是你的最后成绩。因此,玩家也许在赛车比赛中只获得了个第五名,但由于你在过程中打败的对手够多而得到很多加分,最后的总冠军仍有可能是你的。
类别: 游戏
发布于: 2016年10月12日
版本: 1.0
大小: 107 MB
语言: 英语
兼容性: 需要 iOS 6.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
Get ready for a futuristic adrenaline rush!
Rollcage Masters AX – is an original racing game developed exclusively for iOS devices.
About This Game:
You are a solar craft. The sun is your death timer. Hurtle towards the sunset at breakneck speed in a futile race against time. Delay the inevitable by catching energy boosts which reverse the setting sun - if only for a moment.
Rollcage Masters AX is inspired by arCADe games of the past with a focus on highscores, short game sessions, and a sense of pure fun mingled with a nerve-wracking tension. The rules are simple: don't crash, stay in the light, and don't slow down!
• Race at insane speeds through an infinite procedural world that changes every day
• Complete objectives to unlock upgrades and level-up your ship (25 levels)
• Customize your ship with attachments like faster turning and decals
• Built-in editor that allows you to create your own endless worlds.